
Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm
  Contact : (954) 454-1066

Skin Cancer – 90% Curable When Caught Early!

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States today. Millions of Americans are affected each year. There are three types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell and squamous cell are not likely to spread and may require little more than minor surgery or topical treatment. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and can spread through the body or bloodstream to other organs. Melanoma accounts for the majority of skin cancer deaths so regular skin exams and prevention using sun screens and reducing your time in the sun are the best practices because skin cancer is 90% curable when its caught early. So be sure to schedule your annual skin exam today!