
Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm
  Contact : (954) 454-1066

The Benefits of Facials

Facials are treatments that aim to revitalize your skin, as well as preventing ageing signs. The beauty industry is always growing, and unfortunately, the amount of people trying to make easy money scamming other people also grows with it. People are attracted by promises of miracles and new exotic extracts from faraway lands and often fall into the trap of expensive and useless treatments. These are not only bad for your wallet, but can also be dangerous to your skin.

Also, a lot of treatments offered at Spas promises long-term results, but are actually only effective for a few hours.

But not everything is fake. In fact, the right treatments can change your skin a lot and cause several benefits improving not only how it looks, but your skin health as well.

So, it’s important to always look for qualified and reliable professionals to both evaluate your skin, as well as perform the facials. Our practice has a team of Licensed Medical Estheticians that perform different types of facials for different types of patients and skins. Here are some of the treatments provided:

  • Custom Signature Facial

This treatment provides both a deep cleansing and a deep hydration. It also includes facial massage to improve cellular metabolism and blood circulation.

  • Custom Rejuvenating Facial

It is similar to the signature facial, but with a deeper cleansing that also involves using steam to unclog pores and remove blackheads. I also include the use of a nourishing mask full of vitamins, as well as a neck and shoulder massage, helping you to relax completely.

  • Teen Purifying Facial

Teenagers, with all the hormones and body changes, usually suffer from acne. This treatment removes blackheads and sebaceous follicles and reduces the oil on the skin, preventing it from happening again.

  • Back Renewal

It uses the same techniques of the custom signature facial, but on the upper and lower back.

  • Micro Facial

This facial is used to smooth lines and wrinkles. It uses microdermabrasion or diamond tip treatment to do a super-exfoliation, rejuvenating the skin.

  • Short and Sweet Facial

Perfect for people with a busy routine. This mini-facial calms refreshes and protects the skin.

However, it’s always important to remember that doing facials but neglecting your skin at home is just a waste of money. You need to do your homework! So, you should combine regular facials with a daily care, such as cleaning and hydrating your skin, as well as protecting it with sunscreen. Contact our office today to learn more!