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Belotero – Turn Back The Aging Clock!

The effects of time on the skin are a concern for a lot of people. There are a lot of things that contribute to the formation of wrinkles and lines, and the loss of natural skin components is one of them. This loss can be accelerated depending on your lifestyle. Stress, unhealthy food habits and too much sun contribute to premature skin aging.

An important component that helps the skin staying young is the Hyaluronic Acid. The Hyaluronic Acid is naturally produced by our body, and it is very important to maintain and support the structure of the organs. It is thanks to this support that the skin can remain young, resistant and elastic. With aging, the production of this acid decreases a lot, and that’s why wrinkles start to appear.

So, since the loss of this acid causes undesirable effects on the skin, a lot of cosmetic approaches focus on replacing it. Because this acid is naturally produced by the body, adding it to the skin is safe. And this is the goal of the Belotero products.

Belotero is a filler made from hyaluronic acid. It can be used for to treat small lines as well as deep ones, so it’s a very versatile dermal filler. One of the main advantages of Belotero is that its composition avoids the formation of a lumpy or puffy effect.

The process of the injections has a minimal amount of pain. The needle used is very fine and there are Belotero products that have lidocaine in it, diminishing, even more, the amount of discomfort. The recovery is quite simple, and right after the procedure you can go back to work and continue with your normal routine. The patients can experience some redness or swelling, but this usually goes away quickly. The treatment takes about 45 minutes, and is administered in the comfort of our office. The effects of Belotero typically last for up to 6 months.

It is very important to remember that these products shouldn’t be used outside of a doctor’s office. Although it might sound very straightforward, the injections require a lot of skill, expertise and precision and are potentially dangerous in the hands of a non-professional. So, an appointment with a doctor is essential before deciding anything. Contact our office today to learn more!