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Inverse Association Between Topical Dermatologic Generic Drug Prices and Number of Manufacturers

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Generic topical dermatologic drugs had a median percentage price decrease of 5.3% but a mean percentage price increase of 85.1% from 2013 to 2016.
Generic topical dermatologic drugs had a median percentage price decrease of 5.3% but a mean percentage price increase of 85.1% from 2013 to 2016.

Policies that generate increased market competition between topical dermatologic generic agents with a limited number of manufacturers may, in turn, lead to long-term price reductions. The negative association between the change in drug prices and the median number of manufacturers of these topical generic agents signifies a role for market competition in controlling costs within the dermatology armamentarium, according to the results of a retrospective cost analysis published in JAMA Dermatology.

The investigators sought to describe the association between changes in drug prices and the number of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved manufacturers among the most frequently used generic topical dermatologic products. They used cumulative annual claims data from the Medicare Part D Prescriber Public User File to identify 597 drugs prescribed by dermatologists with >10 claims. The FDA Orange Book was used to determine the number of manufacturers. The National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) database provided the price per unit of each product.

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Data were collected between 2013 and 2016. Drugs that were not topically administered, were non-dermatologic, were missing NADAC data, were lacking a generic formulation, or had <400 claims were excluded from the study. The primary study outcomes were the per-unit drug price and the number of FDA-approved manufacturers. Pricing measures, adjusted for inflation, were reported in 2016 US dollars.

A total of 116 topical dermatologic generic products comprised the current analysis, which represented 70.5% of the total Medicare Part D dermatologist-coded claims from calendar year 2015. Whereas drug formulations with 1 or 2 manufacturers during the study period maintained a median percentage price increase of 12.7%, those with  >6 manufacturers exhibited a median percentage decrease in price of 20.5%.

Moreover, products with 1 to 2 manufacturers had a 20.6%, 19.5%, and 33.2% higher percentage increase in price compared with those formulations with 3 to 4 manufacturers, 5 to 6 manufacturers, and >6 manufacturers, respectively. A statistically significant inverse relationship was reported between the percentage change in drug price and the median number of manufacturers (P =.005).

The investigators concluded that the findings from this study support policies that facilitate robust market competition among topical dermatologic generic agents produced by a small number of manufacturers, which may help pave the way for long-term price reductions.

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Li DG, Joyce C, Mostaghimi A. Association between market competition and prices of generic topical dermatology drugs. JAMA Dermatol. 2018;154(12)1441-1446.