
Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm
  Contact : (954) 454-1066

Thinning Hair?

Hair loss is a significant issue for both men and women today. There are a number of causes, age, genetics, and diet can all factor in to hair thinning and eventual hair loss. Many products that claim to correct hair loss, including creams, medications and shampoos. However, for most people, none of these treatments work effectively. Fortunately, hair transplantation is available and a safe, effective way to combat hair loss. Our practice specializes in hair restoration techniques, specifically hair transplantation.

Hair Transplantation – Safe, Simple Procedure

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, in which healthy hair from the back or sides of the scalp is transplanted to balding or thinning areas. This simple procedure takes approximately two hours and is performed in our especially equipped office. Our process is different from other hair transplant treatments. We use only micro and mini grafts where each graft contains 1-3 hairs. Healthy hair is taken from the back and sides of the scalp and artistically placed throughout the balding areas. The result is a completely natural look with no visible evidence of surgery.

Our physicians have been performing hair transplants for over 30 years. We have pioneered advances in this area, including the use of lasers. If you are considering hair transplantation, contact our office today to learn more!