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Belotero – Turn Back The Aging Clock!

The effects of time on the skin are a concern for a lot of people. There are a lot of things that contribute to the formation of wrinkles and lines, and the loss of natural skin components is one of them. This loss can be accelerated depending on your lifestyle. Stress, unhealthy food habits and too much sun contribute to premature skin aging.

An important component that helps the skin staying young is the Hyaluronic Acid. The Hyaluronic Acid is naturally produced by our body, and it is very important to maintain and support the structure of the organs. It is thanks to this support that the skin can remain young, resistant and elastic. With aging, the production of this acid decreases a lot, and that’s why wrinkles start to appear.

So, since the loss of this acid causes undesirable effects on the skin, a lot of cosmetic approaches focus on replacing it. Because this acid is naturally produced by the body, adding it to the skin is safe. And this is the goal of the Belotero products.

Belotero is a filler made from hyaluronic acid. It can be used for to treat small lines as well as deep ones, so it’s a very versatile dermal filler. One of the main advantages of Belotero is that its composition avoids the formation of a lumpy or puffy effect.

The process of the injections has a minimal amount of pain. The needle used is very fine and there are Belotero products that have lidocaine in it, diminishing, even more, the amount of discomfort. The recovery is quite simple, and right after the procedure you can go back to work and continue with your normal routine. The patients can experience some redness or swelling, but this usually goes away quickly. The treatment takes about 45 minutes, and is administered in the comfort of our office. The effects of Belotero typically last for up to 6 months.

It is very important to remember that these products shouldn’t be used outside of a doctor’s office. Although it might sound very straightforward, the injections require a lot of skill, expertise and precision and are potentially dangerous in the hands of a non-professional. So, an appointment with a doctor is essential before deciding anything. Contact our office today to learn more!

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Hair Restoration, Does It Work? Here Are Answers To Some Commonly Asked Questions…

What Is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a minor surgical procedure, performed in the doctor’s specially equipped office, where healthy hair is taken from the horseshoe fringe on the back and sides of the scalp and artistically placed throughout balding areas.

Will The Hairline Look Plugged?

No. We exclusively use only micro and mini grafts, where each graft contains 1-3 hairs. Each graft is artistically placed by your doctor, resulting in a completely natural look with no visible evidence of surgery.

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

The procedure takes about two hours. There is no bleeding and bandages are not required after the procedure. You may even shampoo very gently the day after the transplant.

When Can I Return To Normal Activity?

Normal activity, short of strenuous exercise, can be resumed immediately. Complete information about preparing for the procedure and care after the procedure will be given to you by the doctor when you meet for your appointment.

How Many Years Will Transplanted Hair Last?

Transplanted hair should last a lifetime, or at least as long as hair remains in the area from which the transplants were taken. The conclusion is based on our own experience with over 10,000 successful patients over 30 years.

Is The Procedure Painful?

No more so than a visit to the dentist. Seldom is there actual pain after the procedure.

Should I Wait For My Baldness To Advance Before Getting Transplants?

No. Many patients choose to gradually fill balding or thinning areas while there is still hair in the area to serve as camouflage. Their hairline and overall appearance never has changed, and friends never suspected they were having the procedure.

Can You Repair An Unsatisfactory Result From Another Doctor?

Yes, we have been called upon to do so many times in the past, with excellent results. We are able to work between existing hairs with great precision for optimal corrective outcomes.

Why Don’t More Doctors Perform The Procedure?

Tremendous technical skill combined with artistic talent and experience is required to perform hair transplants. Establishing a reputation, as we have, takes more than slick advertising and a catchy slogan. The physicians in our practice have pioneered advances, including the use of laser, in our 30 years and lecture nationally on our techniques. We are proven leaders and our results show it. Contact our office today to learn more!


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Tattoo Regret? Laser Tattoo Remove Is A Good Choice

Tattoos are a great way of keeping eternizing a memory or maybe just keeping a nice drawing on you permanently. This technique of marking the skin is popular from tribes to the modern world, and it seems that its popularity only grows more and more.

But, as much as you might enjoy your tattoo now, no one is immune to regret. Maybe you made a matching tattoo with someone you don’t get along with anymore, maybe it was the name of an ex-boyfriend, or maybe you just got sick of the drawing. There are several reasons why someone might want to remove a tattoo, but how to get rid of something that Is literally part of your skin?

There are ways of getting rid of a tattoo, and lasers are the most popular ones. The laser works by breaking down the ink particles so that the immune cells of the body are able to absorb and then excrete it.

Today’s laser technologies improved a lot so now they make it possible to remove the ink in fewer sessions, as well as being able to remove colorful ink (which is way more difficult to remove than black ink). However, tattoo removal is far from being a simple procedure because the tattoo is made of layers of ink one laser session is not enough to remove everything.  We recommend multiple sessions in order to significantly reduce or remove the tattoo.

Another thing to take in consideration is the place where you are going to get it removed. It is easy to find places that do tattoo removal, but not everyone is qualified to do it.  The best approach is to talk to a dermatologist who is qualified enough to evaluate the best approach according to your health condition, the size of the tattoo, the colors and other aspects.  A dermatologist will also provide you with instructions on how to take care of your skin after the procedure so that the results are optimized, and the risks of side-effects are reduced. The dermatologists in our practice have years of experience and expertise in tattoo removal and can guide you through the process to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

So, if you regret getting a tattoo contact our office to learn more about tattoo removal.

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Skin Rashes – More Common Than You Think!

Rash is a general term that refers to a change in skin color and/or texture. There are several types of rash, which can be caused by several different factors such as allergies, the use of certain medications (such as antibiotics), fungal infections and even heat.

One type of rash that is particularly relevant and common is the contact dermatitis, which is going to be explored a bit more in this article.

  1. What is it?

It’s a type of skin irritation that is caused by contact with a specific substance.

  1. Symptoms

Common symptoms of contact dermatitis are red and irritated skin, similar to a burn. The skin can often get itchy, dry, thickened and blistered. The blisters can be crusty or weep and ooze. In some cases, this rash can cause pain.

Because it is caused by contact with substances, the hands and arms are usually the most affected (the hands are our main place of interaction with the world). This rash tends to be located only where the substance touched and doesn’t spread everywhere.

It is also common that the areas affected by it also get infected (because the protective layer of the skin is damaged).

  1. Causes

As mentioned before, the contact dermatitis is caused by contact with some specific substance. This substance can be something that the patient is allergic to or a substance that irritates the skin.

Some common causes are:

  • Soaps and detergents
  • Poison Ivy
  • Jewelry containing nickel
  • Diapers
  1. Diagnosis

Contact dermatitis is usually diagnosed by the patient. The observation of how the skin is behaving and if there is a pattern (if it happens when you use a certain soap, for example) is easily done.

But when the rash persists it’s always good to see a doctor, to make sure it is not something else.

  1. Treatment

The main thing to do is to avoid the substance that caused it. You should also clean the affected region with a neutral antiseptic soap and cold water. This removes any substance that could still be on your skin, and the cold water reduced the inflammation and helps with the pain. Cleaning the area also reduces the chances of infection. Moisturizers are used frequently to help restore the skin, but they should be used with caution because depending on the substances present in the cream, it can make it worse.

Depending on how serious and how persistent the rash is, you might need hydrocortisone creams or even antihistamines. If you think you may have Contact dermatitis contact our office today.

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The Benefits of Facials

Facials are treatments that aim to revitalize your skin, as well as preventing ageing signs. The beauty industry is always growing, and unfortunately, the amount of people trying to make easy money scamming other people also grows with it. People are attracted by promises of miracles and new exotic extracts from faraway lands and often fall into the trap of expensive and useless treatments. These are not only bad for your wallet, but can also be dangerous to your skin.

Also, a lot of treatments offered at Spas promises long-term results, but are actually only effective for a few hours.

But not everything is fake. In fact, the right treatments can change your skin a lot and cause several benefits improving not only how it looks, but your skin health as well.

So, it’s important to always look for qualified and reliable professionals to both evaluate your skin, as well as perform the facials. Our practice has a team of Licensed Medical Estheticians that perform different types of facials for different types of patients and skins. Here are some of the treatments provided:

  • Custom Signature Facial

This treatment provides both a deep cleansing and a deep hydration. It also includes facial massage to improve cellular metabolism and blood circulation.

  • Custom Rejuvenating Facial

It is similar to the signature facial, but with a deeper cleansing that also involves using steam to unclog pores and remove blackheads. I also include the use of a nourishing mask full of vitamins, as well as a neck and shoulder massage, helping you to relax completely.

  • Teen Purifying Facial

Teenagers, with all the hormones and body changes, usually suffer from acne. This treatment removes blackheads and sebaceous follicles and reduces the oil on the skin, preventing it from happening again.

  • Back Renewal

It uses the same techniques of the custom signature facial, but on the upper and lower back.

  • Micro Facial

This facial is used to smooth lines and wrinkles. It uses microdermabrasion or diamond tip treatment to do a super-exfoliation, rejuvenating the skin.

  • Short and Sweet Facial

Perfect for people with a busy routine. This mini-facial calms refreshes and protects the skin.

However, it’s always important to remember that doing facials but neglecting your skin at home is just a waste of money. You need to do your homework! So, you should combine regular facials with a daily care, such as cleaning and hydrating your skin, as well as protecting it with sunscreen. Contact our office today to learn more!

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Peel Away Those Years!

Want to quickly peel away years of sun damage or natural aging? Then a chemical peel may be a quick and easy way to accomplish that goal. Chemical peels are a cosmetic technique used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face or neck. During a chemical peel a solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother, younger and less wrinkled than the old skin. In addition to reducing wrinkles and fine lines, chemical peels can also be used to minimize acne scars, repair sun damage, melasma, and hyperpigmentation.

Our office offers several different types of chemical peels, such as a glycolic or vital peel or a micro peel that combines dermabrasion with a chemical peel solution. We also have other cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle eye treatments, tinting or waxing services to help keep you looking your best!

Learn more about our chemical peels and anti-aging treatments!

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Thinning Hair?

Hair loss is a significant issue for both men and women today. There are a number of causes, age, genetics, and diet can all factor in to hair thinning and eventual hair loss. Many products that claim to correct hair loss, including creams, medications and shampoos. However, for most people, none of these treatments work effectively. Fortunately, hair transplantation is available and a safe, effective way to combat hair loss. Our practice specializes in hair restoration techniques, specifically hair transplantation.

Hair Transplantation – Safe, Simple Procedure

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, in which healthy hair from the back or sides of the scalp is transplanted to balding or thinning areas. This simple procedure takes approximately two hours and is performed in our especially equipped office. Our process is different from other hair transplant treatments. We use only micro and mini grafts where each graft contains 1-3 hairs. Healthy hair is taken from the back and sides of the scalp and artistically placed throughout the balding areas. The result is a completely natural look with no visible evidence of surgery.

Our physicians have been performing hair transplants for over 30 years. We have pioneered advances in this area, including the use of lasers. If you are considering hair transplantation, contact our office today to learn more!

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Skin Cancer – 90% Curable When Caught Early!

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States today. Millions of Americans are affected each year. There are three types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell and squamous cell are not likely to spread and may require little more than minor surgery or topical treatment. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and can spread through the body or bloodstream to other organs. Melanoma accounts for the majority of skin cancer deaths so regular skin exams and prevention using sun screens and reducing your time in the sun are the best practices because skin cancer is 90% curable when its caught early. So be sure to schedule your annual skin exam today!

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Dermal Fillers – Which Ones Are Right For You?

Dermal fillers have been around for a while and offer patients real solutions to smooth out fine lines, folds and wrinkles. As we age our skin loses elasticity and firmness, dermal fillers such as Voluma, Juvederm, Belotero, and Restylane restore that lost volume to create smoother and plumper skin in treated areas. Furthermore, most dermal fillers are FDA approved. We offer some of the most effective and popular dermal fillers available today to our patients. Since dermal fillers are a non-surgical with minimal downtime, they can be administered during a lunch hour, in the comfort of our office, making them a convenient and discreet treatment choice. Plus, depending on which product is use, the results appear quickly, some almost immediately, and can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years! The type of dermal filler used depends on the areas to be treated, such as the brow, cheekbone area, or lips and the desired results. Most dermal fillers smooth away fine lines and wrinkles others work effectively on deeper lines and hollows. The best option is to schedule a consultation to determine which ones are best for you.

Expert Training and Experience Is Key!

Our practice is comprised of Board Certified Dermatologists with years of cosmetic enhancement experience. Why is that experience important you may ask? The physicians in our practice have years of specialized medical training in cosmetic dermatology. Additionally, they continually receive training to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care and outcomes from their cosmetic treatments and procedures. When it comes to your skin, and especially your face, you can feel confident when you chose any of the physicians in our office, you have chosen the right physician for you.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to see which dermal fillers are right for you!

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